Today Dashora Samaj Delegation met with top level officials (
collector of Mandsaur / Mayor /. famous Mandsaur historian Mr
J.C Pandey.)
Collector told that there no record that the Dashora Brahmins migrated
from Mandsaur. However he indicated that if there is a request for a
place for kuldevi temple he can provide a place.
He also remarked that if Dashoras want a place for Sati Mata
shrine the Government can not help due to "Sati Mata British Rule.
According to him the idols (murtis) there do not belong to
Sati Mata but are Sapta Mata's murtis ( Vaishnavi, Anupurna,
Ambaji. etc. also one Ganesh or Shiv linga.). There is no record
that these murti's belongs to Sati Mata. However he also indicated
that the place is the same. where the Satis put themselves on
fire at the time of the attack.
Mr Dinesh Dashora informs
the Dashora Brahmin Community that there is a need to replace those
Murtis from the "otla" due to the construction a new dame
"Shivana baandh"

Dashora's from Ujjain,Khandwa,Indore have initiated a process to establish
Dashora Brahmin Samaj.
All Dashora Mahajans are declearing
themselves to be Dashora Brahmin and as a single community.
There is a meeting to be held at the residence of Mr. Dinesh
Dashora's at Ujjain.
Mr Manoranjan Joshi is planning to make a documentary film
on the topic of "Dashora Samaj" .