The Great Dashora Family

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About This Project

Few years ago, we ( Ram Manohar, Shantnu Mishra and Pravin Mishra) decided to build our family tree  (Wanshawali)  and to document our history and origins as we know it.  Soon we realized that this effort would encompass the whole Extended Dashora Brahmin Community. Also it became clear that we will need a  lot of help from members of the community to  obtain necessary  information.

The result  of our ongoing effort is the genealogical web site and this public site as its front end.  We will endeavor to continuously update and correct the data whenever  more information becomes available.

Our Genealogical database has now close to 8000 individual entries and spans many generations thanks to the collaborative efforts of the community.


The main objective of this site is to make available the history, genealogy and general information about the Extended Dashora Community and to create a easily accessible genealogical database for all members of the community.

We hope this site will be a valuable asset in both  learning about our ancestry as well as in keeping current about our living relatives all over the world. We expect this site to serve as a collaborative resource providing  authentic information for the future generations of the Extended Dashora Community as well.

Access to the Site

Although the general information, history and many other parts of the site are open to public the important and  significant part of the site is the genealogical database of  the people of Dashora Brahmin Origin and their close relatives. 
Access to that part of the site (which  contain lot of people specific information about the family members)  is password protected. Those pages are  open only to the people who are genealogically related to Dashora Brahmin Community and who are included in our database.
If you are a member of the Extended Dashora Community, or if you have been informed that your name exists in the database contained herein,  then you can access the site after registration / authentication  process. You can register or send us an e-mail at and we will be glad to provide you with information on how you can access the protected part  of this site.

If you are Dashora Brahmin Descendant or a  member of the  Extended Dashora Community   we are eager to include you and your family in our database. Please contact us and it will be our pleasure to include your family data (if it is not already included) in the database and grant you access to the protected area of the site. Our database includes all male and female persons and patriarchal and matriarchal descendants and ancestors.

An Important note

Since we started to build this site with our collective memory and it is very likely that many names are not accurate and  also we might have erred in defining some of the relationships. We need your help in making the site more accurate and for providing any missing information. Please feel free to let us know whatever you find inaccurate or if you can provide details about incomplete or missing information in here. Together we can make this site a great resource for  all of the "The Great Dashora Family".

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 This website is maintained by Shantnu Mishra
For further information please contact
Last updated:  2015-04-16.