The Great Dashora Family

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Frequently Asked Questions About Dashora Genealogy Database


Who is included in our data base?
   Our primary  database includes  all persons  (male and female)  who  belong to the Extended Dashora (Brahmin) Community.
    A person is included in our database :
bulletIf considered as Dashora Brahmin by other members of the Dashora Brahmin Community included in our database.
bulletAll ancestor and/or descendant of  persons included in the database are considered members of Extended Dashora Family
bulletPersons very closely related to a person included in our database.
bullet(At our discretion) - A person or members of a family  claiming to be Dashora Brahmins  - if  we have sufficient information  to believe that  most likely, after some research we will be able to connect the person to others in the database.  (Please see below about the Dashora Community of the Dashora Mahajan origin not being part of this database)


How can I and my family be included in the data-base ? 
 If you satisfy any of the conditions  mentioned above  but are not included in the database,  we ware looking forward to include you and your family in our database.
The process will involve  working ( e-mail exchanges and information gathering)  with you to establish your relationship to the other members of Extended Dashora Community before we include you and grant you access to database.
Sometimes that may take bit of time and willingness to do some research on your own part.


What is the purpose of the data base?
The database has been created by us as an attempt to find our roots and our relatives. We soon realized that this means the "Extended  Dashora Community" as described above. We are pleased to share the data with all members of the  "Extended  Dashora Community"  so that we all can collaborate in its creation and benefit from this work. We hope this data will be useful to future generations as Extended Dashora community becomes more diversified and geographically more extended.


Who can access the data base?
The primary database is password protected and open only to people included in the database.
To gain access to the database you can register and get an account setup for you using the online form to request an account. 
When you do so please describe who you are and how you are related to Dashora community.
The software sends a verification message to check validity of your e-mail address.
As many people may have same name the account the administrator will correspond with you  to uniquely establish your identity and to determine if you are already in the database.  Access will be granted as soon as we are able to identify you and place you and your family in the database.
If your name / family data  is not in the database additional information will be required to establish if you can be part of our database.
Once we have the basic information to connect you with the Dashora Community,  we will create an entry for you in the database.
Then only we can grant you the access to the data base.
Alternatively you can send us an email at:  and we will be pleased to work with you to set up your account.
to access the database. An administrator approval will be needed when you try to access the database for the first time.
The administrator will go through the same process as above to uniquely identify you and create your account for you.
Members of "Dashora Family" face book group are pre-approved for access to the site and may not need step involving administrator approval.. 


Why should  I and my family be included in the data-base ? 
The data base is a collaborative venture by and community asset for all pesons of the Extemded Dashora Community. T
he information is available because of the efforts of all those who have been contributing to it.
The more the people contribute the more effective the database becomes.
By combining data from different sources in a single database it makes it easy to find our roots and relatives.
This is possible for each and every person in  the data base.
Our query based software permits you to  create family trees (pedigree, ancestor, and descendent charts) and family reports.
Also it allows you to find how you are related to others in the data-base.
This is only possible if we have the help of all the members of the community..


Is it possible that my name and family details  exist in you data base even if I have never had any communication with you?.
Yes. If you are a member of Extended Dashora Brahmin Community  it is very likely that we already have some of your family info in the database. 
Our database has information about 8000 persons.
Our data base has been created by:
bulletour own recollections
bulletour own research by talking to and by virtue of correspondence with our relatives and
bulletfrom data supplied by other members of the Dashora Community.


Are some people included in the  database not really Dashoras?    
 Yes that is correct. Not all persons in the database are Dashora Brahmins. We have used the term "Extended Dashora Community"  to include people who may not be Dashora Brahmins themselves but are closely related (parents, grand parents brothers sisters or first or second cousins) to other Dashora Brahmins because of inter-marriage (or similar genealogical relationship) to a member of Dashora Brahmin Community.
The inclusion of a person in our data base does not imply that the person is a Dashora Brahmin however all persons included have some (established) genealogical connection to Dashora Brahmin Community.
Although we are not actively involved in researching non-Dashora roots of Dashora descendants, in case, if you are a descendent of such a family and if you wish to conduct further genealogical research about your non-Dashora roots  and include your research results as part of our database,
we can assist you, as necessary,  or create a separate secondary data-base on our server for your non-dashora roots.
However by necessity, we will solely depend on  you to provide us with your family data and updates.


Why members of other Dashora Communities (such as those of Dashora Mahajan origin) are not  included in the database?    
 There has been lot of debate and many persons feel that Dashora Mahajans community has the same common roots and are also  Dashora Brahmins (and even possible merger/unification of the two communities is proposed). We are not in a position to confirm or contest the common roots of the two communities.
So far we have not seen any data which leads to names of common ancestors and we feel that establishing common roots will require significant effort which is beyond our present scope.
This is why Dashora Mahajan origin community is not included in the database till we acquire appropriate data and help to integrate that data in our databse. .
Having said this we do know that there have been some instances of intermarriage between Dashora Brahmin descendants and Dashora Mahajans. These have been included in the database. So you may find some  persons belonging to the Dashora Mahajan Community in the database but in general we  not have extended the scope of this database to include the global Dashora Mahajan community.
The exclusion does not imply that we disagree with the "common root " proposition/belief nor does it imply  "superiority" of any of the communities.


How come some members of Nagar community are  included in the database - does it reflect our roots as Nagars?    
 As stated abnove the database includes people of many communities who are not Dashora Brahmins but are in some way genealogically related to Dashora Brahmin community. Over the years there have been many intermarriages between Dashora Brahmin descendants and other Nagar families which means that many "Nagar" families are part of the database.
This however does not provide any data about or validation  of our dependency from Nagar community. We do not yet have data can that can serrve as validation to the belief that indeed our roots are the same roots as the greater Nagar Community.


What information is included in the data base?
 For each individual in the data base the following information can be entered in the data base. (As of now we have only partial information about most of the people in the database.)
bulletBasic Information
bulletName :  First Name, Middle Name and Last Name/ Also Alternate names and Nicknames
For Female members we use  their maiden name (last name at birth)  as last name.
Our software calculates the married name by itself.
bulletNames of Parents ( both Father and Mother)
bulletNames of siblings (Brothers and Sisters)
bulletName of Husband or Wife
bulletNames of Children (Both male and female)
As each and every name is entered this info gets repeated for the new person

Sometimes you may find a made up name like SonOfxyx in the database.
These are place holders that we use when we do not have good information.

Traditional Family charts do not include data about females - we do.
We can not overstate the importance of information about females. We consider this to be of vital importance and include all male and female persons.
bulletGenealogical Data
bulletDate and Place of Birth,
bulletDate and Place of Marriage
bulletDate and Place of Death (if not living anymore)
bulletGotra, Avantak, Family Origin and any related data
bullet Optional Data
bulletContact Info  Address, Phone Number(s) and E-mail address, Facbook Page Reference,
bulletAny other significant notes about the person as submitted by family members.


How Can I submit information?
There are many ways
bulletBy E-mail : You can submit to us the basic information, genealogical data,  contact data  and optional data for any individual, family or a group of people by e-mailing it to The data need not be complete. Partial information is better than no information at all. 
Plain text or html  e-mails as well as e-mails containing  MS word documents, pdf files, photographs,or  electronically scanned file attachments with this info are welcome.
bulletA gedcom 5.5 compatible genealogical data file.
bulletFamily data file generated by popular software such as Legacy, PAF ...
bulletWe also welcome statements that describe relationships between people as the provide important clues.
bulletCopies of Wanshawalies or Family Tree Charts that you might have.
bulletYou can E-mail us a filled in copy of our Request For Family Info for you family, relatives and other Dashora Families
( You may supply information only to the extent you know. It is not necessary that all data is filled in)

When you submit the information,  we may ask for further clarification and verification that all data was understood and correctly entered in the database by us.


Are there any restrictions to use of the data?
We are making this  data  available at no cost to  all members of the Extended Dashora Community. The data is not shared with any other persons or organizations.
The Data is intended for information only and for use by and for the pleasure of the Dashora Community. 
The following guidelines are applicable:
bulletThe data is not to be used for commercial purposes.
bulletYou may further distribute the data to others in the community but it is implied that you will not charge any fee for the service.
bulletWe will not submit  this data, or parts of it to any other on-line service collecting and distributing genealogical data.
We expect that you too will abide by the same policy and not submit data derived from this site
to any other on-line(non profit or commercial) genealogical site/service or publishing service.



How trustworthy is your data?
Although we strive to make our data accurate and trustworthy, much of our  data is collected using  word of mouth, people's recollections, internet and other non verified sources.
 There is no implicit warranty about the accuracy and trustworthiness  of the data.

Please feel free to let us know if you observe any data that need to be corrected.
We rely on input from users to improve the quality of our data.

Though we do make all the effort to ascertain that the data is correct,  we or the people contributing the data assume no responsibility for its accuracy.
Nor are we liable in any way if any information is not accurate. This is a voluntary effort of a personal nature.
The data is submitted by various well wishers. None of us have any commercial or financial interest or motivation.


What about using Facebook / Authentication for use on this site
Logging in using Facebook account has been discontinued as newer version of webtrees software does not have support for it yet.


How can we use the site for matrimonial searches?
The database, the site software and the user interface are specific to a genealogical site and not a matrimonial site.
Also we do not have sufficient data and means to update the data to be able to search for suitable "matrimonial" matches reliably.
So the site can not be used as a matrimonial site.

If sufficient data exists for families of  two persons seeking matrimony you may use the database to find if there is some genealogical relationship(common ancestors) between the two. However please be aware that since our data is highly incomplete absence of relationship may not be really true.


What software do you use?
We use many different software suits:
bulletOur master data base is created using Legacy Family Tree Software
bulletThe data from Legacy Family file is exported as a  gedcom 5.5 file to our genealogy www server. This server uses webtreesas its basic engine to generate dynamically the www pages, charts and reports based on user query, Documation for use of this software is available in wiki format
bulletWe also have other software for creating reports and family tree charts and we can create special custom charts if requested.
The output from the software suits is sometimes better than what can be generated using our web server.
bulletOur master data base is created using Legacy Family Tree Software
bulletThe data from Legacy Family file is exported as a  gedcom 5.5 file to our genealogy www server. This server uses webtrees as its basic engine to generate dynamically the www pages, charts and reports based on user query,
Documentation for use of this software is available in wiki format
bulletWe also have other software for creating reports and family tree charts and we can create special custom charts for you  if requested.
The output from the  other  software suits is often better than what can be generated using our web server.


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 This website is maintained by Shantnu Mishra
For further information please contact
Last updated:  2015-04-16.